introduction to flash lighting principles
presentation: 60-90 minutes
At first glance, flash lighting appears to break some of the rules of exposing a photo. This session talks about what flash is, why it’s different and introduces a few of the basic tricks that make flash a fascinating creative tool for a photographer.
Topics covered:
- why use flash?
- what is a flash light?
- basic principles of flash: aperture and shutter speed
- flash and camera sync speed
- mixing flash and ambient light
- demonstration of modifying camera aperture
- demonstration of modifying camera shutter speed
- demonstration of effect of correct/incorrect sync speed
- demonstration of blending flash and ambient light
This presentation is structured around a conventional Powerpoint-style series of slides explaining concepts and showing examples.
Interspersed through the presentation are a series of live demonstrations, turning the theory into rock-solid reality.
I’ve done this presentation at:
- Pakenham Camera Club (2009)
- Waverley Camera Club (January 2010)
- Victorian Association of Photographic Societies annual muster (May 2010)
- Knox Photographic Society (May 2011)
- Eastern Suburbs Photographic Society (August 2011)
- Caulfield Photographic Society (September 2011)
- Frankston Photographic Club (June 2013)